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GençSTEM Education & Research Association

The Future Will Be Shaped with GençSTEM

Do you want to leave a mark on the future?

For young people to succeed in the world of the future, they need a strong foundation in STEM. GençSTEM Education & Research Association aims to develop young people’s talents in this crucial field. Our expert instructors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics work to equip students with the skills needed to make their mark on the future. Together, we are building a future that helps young people achieve their dreams.

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Our Projects

Welcome to the exciting world of STEM! We offer STEM projects that encourage our students to use their imagination and creativity to solve real-world problems.

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Our Trainings

Be a pioneer in the world of STEM! We offer interactive, enjoyable, and educational training to help students personalize their learning experience in STEM.

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Our Books

Get ready to embark on a journey into the miraculous world of STEM! Our mind-expanding books help students enhance their STEM knowledge and explore fascinating topics.

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Our Events

Experience moments full of fun and discovery in the world of STEM! We offer exciting events to help students develop their STEM skills.

Take a Look at Our Events

What is this thing called STEM?


S - Science

Science is a discipline aimed at discovering, understanding, and explaining nature and the universe. STEM is designed to convey the importance and power of science to students. Science can spark curiosity in young minds, encouraging exploration and research while enhancing their imagination and creativity. Therefore, STEM education is a fundamental step for future scientists, engineers, and technology leaders.


T - Technology

Technology is present in every aspect of our lives and is becoming increasingly important. STEM provides students with the fundamental building blocks of technology, offering them an opportunity to advance further in the digital world. This way, students can understand how new technologies are created and increase their potential for pursuing careers in this field.


E - Engineering

Engineering is one of the disciplines designed to solve problems we encounter in everyday life. STEM guides students in developing engineering skills, making design, production, and processes more efficient. This allows students to take part in the design of future engineering projects, giving them the potential to further advance the world.


M - Mathematics

Mathematics is one of the most essential components of STEM. STEM education is crucial for equipping students with mathematical skills and enhancing their ability to understand and interpret numerical data. This enables students to further improve their success in mathematics, making them more capable in fields such as engineering, science, and technology.

İbn Sina

Bilginin tek kaynağı akıl ve deneydir. Gerçek bilgiye ulaşmak için ikisini de kullanmalısın.

İbn Sina

Evreni anlamak isteyen, doğaya dikkatle bakmalıdır. Çünkü bilim, gözlemle başlar.

Ali Kuşçu

Matematik, evrenin dilidir. Onu bilmeyen, doğanın sırlarını anlayamaz.

Ali Kuşçu
Katip Çelebi

Cehaletin en büyük düşmanı, sorgulayan bir akıldır. Bilgi ise en büyük güçtür.

Katip Çelebi

Bilim, insanın elini güçlendiren bir sanattır. Teknoloji, bilgeliğin eseridir.


Erdemli bir toplum, ancak akıl ve bilimle yönetildiğinde yükselir.

Uluğ Bey

Gökyüzünü anlamadan, yeryüzündeki hayatı da tam olarak bilemeyiz.

Uluğ Bey

Doğruyu bulmanın yolu, aklı ve hesabı kullanmaktan geçer.


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